Client Libraries

RedisBloom has several client libraries, written by the module authors and community members - abstracting the API in different programming languages. While it is possible and simple to use the raw Redis commands API, in most cases it's easier to just use a client library abstracting it.

Currently available Libraries

Project Language License Author Stars Package
jedis Java MIT Redis Stars Maven
redis-py Python MIT Redis Stars pypi
node-redis Node.JS MIT Redis Stars npm
nredisstack .NET MIT Redis Stars nuget
redisbloom-go Go BSD Redis Stars GitHub
rueidis Go Apache License 2.0 Rueian Stars GitHub
rebloom JavaScript MIT Albert Team Stars GitHub
phpredis-bloom PHP MIT Rafa Campoy Stars GitHub
phpRebloom PHP MIT Alessandro Balasco Stars GitHub
vertx-redis-client Java Apache License 2.0 Eclipse Vert.x Stars GitHub
rustis Rust MIT Dahomey Technologies Stars GitHub
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