CF.INSERT key [CAPACITY capacity] [NOCREATE] ITEMS item [item ...]
Available in:
Redis Stack / Bloom 1.0.0
Time complexity:
O(n * (k + i)), where n is the number of items, k is the number of sub-filters and i is maxIterations

Adds one or more items to a cuckoo filter, allowing the filter to be created with a custom capacity if it does not exist yet.

This command is similar to CF.ADD, except that more than one item can be added and capacity can be specified.

Required arguments


is key name for a cuckoo filter to add items to.

If key does not exist - a new cuckoo filter is created.

ITEMS item...

One or more items to add.

Optional arguments

CAPACITY capacity

Specifies the desired capacity of the new filter, if this filter does not exist yet.

If the filter already exists, then this parameter is ignored.

If the filter does not exist yet and this parameter is not specified, then the filter is created with the module-level default capacity which is 1024.

See CF.RESERVE for more information on cuckoo filter capacities.


If specified, prevents automatic filter creation if the filter does not exist (Instead, an error is returned).

This option is mutually exclusive with CAPACITY.

Return value

Returns one of these replies:

  • Array reply of Integer reply - where "1" means that the item has been successfully added to the filter, and "-1" means that the item was not added because the filter is full.
  • Error reply on error (invalid arguments, wrong key type, and so on) and also when NOCREATE is specified and key does not exist.


redis> CF.INSERT cf CAPACITY 1000 ITEMS item1 item2 
1) (integer) 1
2) (integer) 1
redis> CF.INSERT cf1 CAPACITY 1000 NOCREATE ITEMS item1 item2 
(error) ERR not found
redis> CF.INSERT cf2 ITEMS 1 1 1 1
1) (integer) 1
2) (integer) 1
3) (integer) -1
4) (integer) -1
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